Through the Website Control Panel, you are able to watch over all aspects of your web presence. You will have at hand descriptive data, which will offer you real–time information on the hosting resources your web sites are consuming and also the views they’re getting. You’ll also find various important info on SKC Hosting’s platform in general. The information is separated into segments, meaning you can quickly find your path around.

Server Specifics

Detailed information about your server

In the Server Specifics section of the Website Control Panel, you will discover more information with regards to the hosting server your Linux shared website hosting packages account is found on. You can check out the OS, the physical IP address and the existing Perl/MySQL variations, get details about the setup Perl modules and the incoming and outgoing mail servers, monitor the server load, etcetera.

You’ll also find more information around the PHP version without having to set up phpinfo files, etc.

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Access & Error Reports

Instantly uncover any web site overall performance issues

The Access and Error Stats record information about the hosting server, such as details of server access plus the types of problems stumbled upon throughout hosting server functioning. You can find both types of info on the functionality of your sites from the Stats Manager section of the Website Control Panel.

The access log shows all the text files, image files, video clip files, etc. that individuals have required to view on your site, while the error log reports just about all warnings and errors the hosting server has stumbled upon since the log file is created.

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Website Traffic Statistics

Check out the traffic to your site in the finest detail

Via the web stats applications included in the SKC Hosting Website Control Panel, it is easy to keep track of the visitors on your website in the greatest detail. You may choose between a couple of common statistics tools – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which make available to you details about the viewers to your web site in addition to the articles they request to view on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly principle.

There is no need to set up absolutely anything in advance to get website traffic info for your sites. Within the Website Traffic Statistics part of the Website Control Panel, just open the stats report for a given website and view the details that you require for your marketing strategies.

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CPU Stats

Check your sites’ CPU load

The CPU reports enclosed in your Website Control Panel provide you with real time information about the load that’s made within your account by your scripts, data base requests, etcetera. Thus, the more dynamic and complex your site is, the more hosting server resources it will need to remain operating smoothly.

The server load facts are exposed in an easy–to–read fashion and provides you with details about the hosting server load made per day, per month or per year. This precise data can keep you up to date on the hosting server power use at any given second and will help you to prevent your websites from getting offline as a result of web server overload (exceeded server power usage limits).

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