The disk space function shows the total capacity of info that you're able to have on your shared website hosting server at one time. With a personal computer, for example, this is the total size of your hard disk drive or the full size of all the hard drives in the event that your computer has more than just a single one. Exactly as your space on a personal computer is divided between installed computer software, documents, your music etc, the server hard disk space is shared between internet site files, databases and e-mail messages. Each file, folder and email will take some disk space on your server, therefore you should think about quite a few factors, not only the size of the files that you will upload. For instance, having big email attachments or using a script-driven internet site in which the user-generated info is kept in a database also affects the space you are using.

Disk Space in Shared Website Hosting

All of our shared website hosting packages were designed with the idea that limited storage space cannot be a thing that should obstruct the growth of your sites. That's the reason why we have taken a technique which is distinct from the one that most hosting suppliers take - instead of just creating all the accounts on a single server and eventually not having enough disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by a wide cluster of servers. Thus, we are able to connect more machines in case they're needed and / or more HDDs, to offer additional disk space for all of the files of our valued customers. Individual clusters handle the emails as well as the databases, so not only can you expand your web sites not worrying about hard drive space, but also the servers will perform better and faster due to the fact that each service has its own storage space and one server doesn't handle different types of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Considering the fact that our semi-dedicated server packages are extremely powerful, we have chosen by no means to limit the disk space attribute when we have created them. Our understanding is that when you buy a powerful package, it's more than likely that you have plenty of site data, consequently each semi-dedicated server plan provides you with limitless disk capacity, which will enable you to direct your attention to developing your websites and not be worried whether you will suit an allowance. Your account will be created using a cloud web hosting platform in which the files, emails and databases have their individual clusters of servers, hence not only will the machines operate much better given that just a single type of system processes will run on them, but also you won't ever have to worry for the disk space as we're able to add as many servers or hard disk drives to every cluster as needed.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

Choosing Linux dedicated servers hosting packages you'll get all of the storage space that you will need for your sites, databases, email messages and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be at your disposal and not shared with anybody else, which means that you can upload any data you would like - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, etcetera. You'll get no less than two hard disk drives that work well in RAID, so that one drive will mirror the other in real time in order to ensure that all your precious info is always backed up. If you like, you're able to use the HDDs independently and employ the full space in any way you see fit. When necessary, you'll be able to get supplementary drives connected to the server and enjoy even greater storage space. You will have the option to make website hosting accounts with fixed hard disk storage allowances when you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. Using Hepsia, which is the third Control Panel solution on the order page, all domains hosted on your server will share the hard disk space and they'll be operated via one account. Either way, our dedicated plans will meet your requirements whatever the type of web site you want to host.