Free Dedicated IP

Free dedicated IP address for your machine

A dedicated IP address is provided free of charge with the semi-dedicated 2 set-up. You will be able to utilize it from the minute you gain access to the Website Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will be able to improve the distinctiveness of your web site, to promptly setup an SSL certificate for your site, or even configure your own personal name servers that will point to your individual IP address.

And, if at any moment you need another dedicated IP address, you are able to buy it at a discount price directly from your Website Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Ask us everything. We are here for you 24/7/365.

Patiently waiting for days to have you reply from the help team may be rather displeasing, no matter how unimportant the situation is. For this reason, here, at SKC Hosting, we provide a one hour reply time period warranty, and our consultants in most cases answer in under 20 minutes with the ticketing system incorporated into the Free Web Apps. They are readily available for you day and night.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Free of charge SSH access for your server

With our Semi-dedicated 2 server set-up you’ll get SSH access rights to the server, provided for free. Thus, it will be easy for you to instantly access the server’s terminal and work directly with the machine, without needing to utilize the Website Control Panel.

As a result of the specificity of SKC Hosting’s Linux semi-dedicated packages, the SSH access rights will not include root privileges. You will be able to interact with your documents, databases, email and almost everything related to your web sites, but you can’t change the server’s configuration.

SSH Access

Database Manager

A 1–stop data base control system

With the Databases Manager integrated into the Free Web Apps, you could directly and efficiently manage all of your data bases. You are able to build brand new data bases with only a few clicks of your computer mouse. What’s even more, we provide detailed MySQL use reports that will show you your most often used data bases.

Also, we have designed a software tool which allows you to back up all of your data bases with just a single click, without the need to sign in to the phpMyAdmin user interface.

Database Manager

Free Templates

Well over 100 cost free WordPress and Joomla web templates to select from

You can quickly copy a Wordpress or Joomla web template with only a click from your Free Web Apps. You do not have to visit third party websites for first–rate web templates. We have a rich collection for you readily integrated into your website hosting profile. Simply choose the theme that you like and click on the Download key. All templates are completely cost–free for you.

Free Templates

Website Builder

Install your private or company web page with just a click

Going on the worldwide web here and now is easier than ever thanks to the Site Generator included in your Free Web Apps. Just choose a theme from the vast collection of above One hundred company and individual website themes and after that post your web page content (pictures, text, and the like.) with a mouse–click. To launch your site on the net, just select the Publish button. It is that simple. You can make use of the aforementioned tool for all the domains in your internet hosting profile.

Website Builder

VPN Access

Safe and sound, untraceable web surfing

If you live in a region with stringent web browsing regulations but would like to browse through the online universe as much as possible, we have the remedy for you. With each of our Linux semi-dedicated packages, you will be able to get hold of VPN (Virtual Private Network) access and explore cyberspace easily. All you need to do is create a fresh network using the adjustments we give and we’ll route all your inward and outbound traffic by one of our VPN data centers.

VPN Access

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Twice secured semi-dedicated hosting

By keeping apps, email messages and data bases on multiple physical devices rather than only one, we have assured much more dependable website hosting area for your web–based presence. Also, we have decreased the servers’ susceptibility to hacking/DoS issues that can take down the entire server on a standard shared web hosting system.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

  • Service guarantees

  • SKC Hosting’s Linux semi-dedicated packages are set up for you at no charge. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access privileges. No–charge Control Panel bundled.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a look at the rates and pick out the ideal semi–dedicated server for your expanding sites. Upgrade to a more powerful server configuration with a mouse click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • We are available 24/7/365 to answer any kind of questions in relation to the Linux semi-dedicated packages. 1–hour response time warranty.